Recently I had a very beautiful dream. In this dream I was swimming down a river that flowed through a lush green setting. The river moved with gentleness through the large swaying trees and green grass. As I was swimming I took note that I was moving at a quick pace, even as I was using very little effort.
Then I noticed that to my left there were two wakes, hinting at movement just underneath the surface. At first I felt a nudge of fear. What was causing this movement under the water next to me? It could be anything and the not-knowing caused me some anxiety. But then in my dream I became curious! As I looked down into the flowing water I saw to my absolute surprise that just next to me and under me in the water were six white dolphins. These dolphins were supporting me as I swam. In that moment I had the awareness that this was a dream, and that it was lovely and sacred. I thought to myself that I should try and stay in this dream as long as possible.
At that moment a seventh dolphin appeared in front of me and began speaking to me! Again I had a feeling of fear and awe. The dolphin had rather large teeth and was very close to me. I began to feel as if I might be in real danger, but the dolphin said, “I know this is weird Milly, but do not be afraid.”
I went back to swimming and the seventh dolphin descended into the water, to join the others who were supporting my gentle and peaceful effort as I simply swam with the flow.
“We are all just walking each other home”.
This is a quote from Ram Dass, a man who spent much of his life teaching the path of the purposeful heart, which he says is found in contemplation and in being of service to humanity during times of great change.
In the last year I have been changed, by violence, a flood, and (two) trials.
All of this may seem exceptional, but these things do happen in life. There is nothing exceptional about natural disasters, or going to court as a witness, or sadly being the victim of violence. The mere fact that these events occurred in the span of just months is uncanny, but still not exceptional. Life is full of unpredictable changes.
“Exceptional”, adjective
- unusual; not typical.
“crimes of exceptional callousness and cruelty””
Change is inevitable – transformation is a choice.
How life-events can inspire transformation, and further support the formation of new patterns of beliefs and behaviors, depends on the strength and structure of our foundation, which is trust in our core consciousness. It is not exceptional to be changed by life, but how do we create personal and communal transformation out of what feels like chaos?
My journey for the last year has been informed by many events that have led to immense change. Now my journey is one of transformation by coming home to Self, learning to trust my core-consciousness and to be led by courage, compassion, care, creativity, and connection.
While I am coming home to Self, I am not walking the way alone. This was the epiphany of the dolphin dream! I am supported and guided by people and Spirit that are at times unknown to me.
My hope is that you are encouraged by the awareness that you do not have to walk your journey alone either. Often when we encounter change, there are parts of us that do not want to talk about the changes we experience. Parts of us may feel ashamed, or selfish (my problems aren’t that bad!). Or parts of us may feel vulnerable speaking out about our needs and fears. Part of us may say, “no one will protect you anyway, why even speak up?” or “what if they reject you. That will be painful. Just do it yourself’.
But, as Audre Lorde says, “Your silence will not protect you.”
What I am learning is that our communities will. And yet, we must find the courage to stay connected in the midst of change. Our community can only support us when we are able to speak about our needs and fears, being vulnerable and transparent in the fear and awe of chaos.
Then like the dolphins in my dream our community can swim beside us, and underneath us, offering gentle guidance as we make our way home, to Self. And from that place of Self, we can do the same for others. This is the way of community. We are all just walking each other home. Transformation happens on the journey.
Your community will protect you. Right.